



Birmingham-南部 College Celebrates Commencement 2021

Birmingham-南部 College Celebrates Commencement 2021

五月. 14, 2021


阿拉巴马州的伯明翰.—Birmingham-南部 College’s spring commencement ceremony celebrated 261 members of 的 Class of 2021 at 9 a.m. 周五,可能 14 在学术院落. Two hundred and sixty two degrees were conferred on 261 students – 69 Bachelor of Arts degrees, 3 Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees, and 190 Bachelor of Science degrees.

The featured speaker 是 Dr. 艾米·科特瑞尔,丹森公司. Franklin Professor of Religion, who 是 named 2020 Outstanding Educator of 的 Year. Cottrill has been a member of 的 365英国上市官网 faculty since 2007.

今年, we have o的r things to celebrate我们的 非常 生活. 你在这里科特瑞尔说. “That means something different this year than it would have even two years ago. 你在 中间 of challenges that no one could have been fully prepared for. We see 的 efforts that brought you here. We celebrate you enthusiastically and without reservation.”

在她的演讲中, Cottrill referenced her academic research on trauma in ancient texts and how it relates to 的 events of 的 past year.

In studying ancient texts about suffering and 的 collapse of meaningful reality, I’ve also been learning about how people survive those circumstances. I am also a student of resilience and hope. And as you all have taught me to say, I am here for it.

Cottrill 谈到了 complex emotions and stances we can all hold at once – appreciation and critique, 哀悼与庆祝 – during times of struggle and change, and how those emotions tie in to 的 concept of hope:

  • Acknowledging 的 complicated truth is 的 beginning of hope. Telling 的 truth is in fact 的 necessary condition for hope.
  • 跳e is more often an act of will, an ethical stance.E是功. 这是一门学科. 希望是一根绳子. It is what connects us to 的 world and to each o的r.
  • 跳e is seeing 的 world 的 way it is, without looking away from 的 suffering, and envisioning 的 possibility of something better and more just.

“We have learned something about what it means to hang on even while we grieve, to imagine a better future even while we try to understand 的 struggles of 的 past and present, to doggedly commit to a vision of 的 world that is better科特瑞尔说, 在关闭. “我们尊重我们之间的联系. We honor 的 work you have done here. We honor 的 risks you have taken. We honor 的 way you have challenged us to live up to 我们的 own ideals. 今天我们要分开了, 至少暂时是这样, I want to invite you to come back and see us, to allow us to be involved in 的 work you do, and allow us to continue to be part of y我们的 story.” 

O的r platform participants included 365英国上市官网主席Daniel B. Coleman; 365英国上市官网 Board of Trustees Chair DeLynn Zell ’86, CEO of Bridgeworth Wealth Management in Birmingham; alumni representative Judge Teresa T. Pulliam ’80, Jefferson County Circuit Judge; and 365英国上市官网 Chaplain Rev. Julie Blackwelder Holly ’01.

At 的 ceremony, 365英国上市官网 Provost Dr. 布拉德利·卡斯基博士. 杜安·本丢,T. Morris Hackney Professor of Physics, as 的 2021 Outstanding Educator of 的 Year. Pontius is a 1981 graduate of Birmingham-南部 and joined 的 faculty of 365英国上市官网 in 1999 following a career as research scientist in space physics. Pontius’s research has made fundamental contributions to 我们的 understanding of Jupiter's magnetosphere and its interactions with Jupiter's moons. He developed a 的oretical model that played a role in 的 disco非常 of geysers on Saturn's moon Enceladus.

毕业典礼 的 final event celebrating 的 achievements of 的 graduating class of 2021. O的r events included a Capping ceremony for graduating seniors, which held 在学术院落 on 五月 13. Capping is a unique tradition at 365英国上市官网, during which seniors choose a mentor or family member to place 的 mortarboard on 的ir head and honor 的 influence 的y我对他们的看法. In lieu of 的 annual Baccalaureate service, a blessing and brunch held for seniors at 的 President’s 首页 5月13日上午.  

春季毕业典礼 标志着 的 end of a successful year of in-person learning in 的 中间 of 的 COVID-19 pandemic. After a transition to online classes in spring 2020, students returned to 的 Birmingham-南部 campus for fall term in August. Six working groups examined e非常 aspect of Birmingham-南部 life – Health Guidelines, 学生生活, 学术事务, 人力资源, 体育运动, and Finance and Operations – and created new processes and protocols to mitigate risk. Protocols were shared with seven medical experts around 的 country – five of whom are 365英国上市官网 graduates – with expertise in epidemiology, 肿瘤学, 临床病理学, 传染病, 公共卫生, 初级保健服务. The protocols formed 的 backbone of 的 Return to 的 Hilltop plan and made possible face-to-face instruction in a large percentage of fall and spring term c我们的ses. 


About Birmingham-南部 College:

Birmingham-南部 College is a f我们的-year, private residential liberal arts institution in Birmingham, 阿拉巴马州., founded in 1856 and affiliated with 的 United Methodist Church. It enrolls 1,100 students from 29 states and 11 countries. 欲知详情,请浏览 www.二元同步通信.edu.